Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign

On the Buffalo Trail 2019-2020

bfc on the trailHello Buffalo Supporters!

It is with great enthusiasm that I write On the Buffalo Trail, from the desk of the Executive Director. On the Buffalo Trail is a monthly update that I will keep you, our wonderful supporters, up to date on my activities for the buffalo. I look forward to updating you on the progress I make on your behalf. Qeciyewyew (thank you) and have a wonderful day!

For the Buffalo, James L. Holt Sr., ED

The Earth and I are of One Mind.”- Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

Latest News:

2020 08 20 01 001 DSC 1270
Aug 20, 2020

On the Buffalo Trail ~ From the Desk of the Executive Director, August 2020

Hello from Nez Perce Country! I hope this edition of On the Buffalo Trail finds you well. The summer heat is in full effect here in north-central Idaho. read more
2020 06 18 01 001 OTBT 1 BFC Stephany Seay photo
Jun 18, 2020

On the Buffalo Trail ~ From the Desk of the Executive Director, June 2020

Welcome to the first summer edition of On the Buffalo Trail. I hope this finds you and your loved ones well. read more
2020 05 18 01 001 on the buffalo trail
May 18, 2020

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, May 2020

Like most folks, quarantine has dominated my daily life. I must admit I minimized what I thought the impacts of the Coronavirus would be. read more
2020 04 21 01 001 on the buffalo trail april 2020
Apr 21, 2020

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of the Executive Director, April 2020

Since my last update, fundamental aspects of our lives have been altered by the Coronavirus pandemic gripping the nation. read more
march 2020 01 001
Mar 17, 2020

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, March 2020

It is with great enthusiasm that I write this first update of On the Buffalo Trail, from the desk of the Executive Director. read more
february 2020 01 001
Feb 17, 2020

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, February 2020

It is with great enthusiasm that I write this first update of On the Buffalo Trail, from the desk of the Executive Director. read more

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BFC's goal is to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo herds, protect the natural habitat of wild free-roaming buffalo and native wildlife, and to work with people of all Nations to honor the sacredness of wild buffalo. learn more yellow 2

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